Thursday, March 17, 2011

How To Measure An Overbite ?

The computer virus turns 40

El virus informático cumple 40 años - Virus informático

Today their existence is now taken for assumed. The fight is a natural reaction to any user. Its consequences are well known, and evolve with each passing day. Despite the current strength have today computer virus in multiple formats and versions (hence the recurring use of the term general malware) , even they had a beginning, one that is well defined, and was much safer than we can imagine. The computer virus is four decades old. What can we say that is right for the occasion? "Happy birthday?

The year was 1971 . The Apollo program continued with their adventures on the moon, we would Jim Morrison, opened the Walt Disney World, and Intel produced the first commercially available microprocessor, the 4004. Internet did not exist, but its basic essence itself: ARPANET had two years running, and had approximately eighteen connected nodes. Then a certain Bob Thomas at BBN Technologies decided demonstrate the concept of "mobile application" . And so was born "Creeper ". The translation of "creeper" has many meanings, but one of the best known is outlined with the idea of \u200b\u200ba "stalker" , someone who makes things strange and disturbing as a window constantly monitor or observe a person while sleep. The idea of \u200b\u200b computer virus had not yet been developed, but the behavior was definitely one Creeper. Entered the remote system, the message published "I'm the Creeper, catch me if you can!" , and then jump to another system. Not copied but moved. And with that, it was found that an application could "move" between systems.

El Creeper hacía de las suyas entre los PDP-10 - Virus informático The Creeper of theirs was among the PDP-10

Forty years later we are hoping that this Mr. Thomas never would have created the Creeper. In fact, it was necessary to develop the "Reaper" to clear the Creeper, which somehow gives virus and antivirus the same year of birth. But wishes do not do anything, and certainly the story does not end there, but actually begins . These days, a computer virus is interpreted by users in the same way that a cold: You can fight the best he can, but sooner or later it must face. However, the overall profile was very different from a virus a few years ago. Who developed a virus, had a simple goal as a joke, show their skills, or in some cases, making a political statement. Now, due to the existence of malware is based on profit. Internet is big , and there is too much ground to cover, but at the same time, it is interpreted that there is much to "steal" affected terminals. This makes them more complex more elaborate, and much more dangerous.

Creeper was the first, and others followed, initially in controlled environments. But the first virus is considered "wild" and operating outside its original environment of development was the "Elk Cloner " created by Rick Skrenta in 1982, just fifteen years old. Affected diskettes that were used in Apple II systems, and was the first virus to adopt the mode of infection boot sector. When the computer is started with an infected diskette, the virus is copied into RAM and boot sector-infecting each new disk was introduced in the unit, spreading quickly. The absence of a virus per se , made the process of removal of Elk Cloner was a little far-fetched at the time. To Skrenta was only "a silly joke" , but the boot sector infections would be adopted by many other viruses in the following years.

Con sus unidades duales, las Apple II eran caldo de cultivo para el Elk Cloner - Virus informático With its dual units, the Apple II was a breeding ground for the Elk Cloner Two

virus that took special care during the 80s were the Jerusalem and Stoned . Both shared the same birth year (1987) , but their goals were very different. In the case of Jerusalem, the virus could ruin every executable file on an infected system each calendar Friday 13 , and could even adversely affect computer performance. For many, this was the first virus "destructive" who operated large-scale phrase take with tweezers, taking into account the number of active computers in 1987, but justified because of its huge number of variants. In regard to the Stoned, his message characteristic "Your PC is now Stoned!" is still remembered, as his petition to legalize marijuana. The Stoned had its large share of alternatives, one of them changing the classical message with a reference to June 4, 1989, a date for the Slaughter of Tiananmen Square in China.

The early '90s saw a significant increase in the amount of virus, but personally I remember two who were able to leave a mark own in those years. The Michelangelo was a case. The first time it was detected in 1991 and is expected to be the cause of a sort of "digital doomsday" , erasing the information of millions of computers around the world. The virus was activated on March 6, on the birthday of Michelangelo, overwriting sectors on diskettes and hard drives. The media made extensive coverage, including of course the inevitable pinch of paranoia that is added to this kind of news. Finally, cases of data loss were only a fraction of the supposed millions who predicted the news, and Michelangelo was forgotten quickly. In a much more troubling, in mid-1998 showed up the CIH virus, the first version will be activated on April 26, 1999, coinciding with the date of the nuclear catastrophe in Chernobyl . In the worst cases, the CIH could fill the first megabyte of the boot disk with zeros, and even modify the BIOS of the computer completely unusable effectively. While it was possible to restore a computer after an attack of this virus was not a pleasant process.

Finally we reached the twenty-first century, and with it came the "Age of Chaos , since the classical definition of computer virus became much more complex to implement. The ILOVEYOU worm made evident how efficient it could be an e-mail to spread a virus. In 2003, Windows 2000 and Windows XP were put in check by the appearance of the legendary Blaster worm, which could even shut down your computer without user intervention. This led to profound changes in Microsoft systems, and increased awareness regarding firewalls as a security measure. The Welchia was a worm by definition, but in reality I did was remove the Blaster and update system Windows, number one reason why the Blaster hit so hard. In 2004, the slaughter continued with Sasser and MyDoom. Zotob marked the beginning of "malware for profit" in 2005, and the introduction of botnets as platforms for malware.

¿Recuerdan esto? Estoy seguro que sí... - Virus informático Remember this? I'm sure it ...

In the first month of 2007, the Storm worm was responsible for eight percent of malware worldwide. A year later, we were unable forget the Conficker , generating millions in losses around the globe, and was a very hard bone to gnaw. Now, we are witnessing the first signs of digital warfare. Stuxnet known as the Trojan was specifically targeted systems Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition of Siemens, used Iranian territory in defiance of the embargo on that country in 2006 due to its uranium enrichment program. 60 percent of infections caused by Stuxnet were located in Iran, and caused delays in the operational capacities of various gas centrifuges.

El Stuxnet se concentró sobre componentes Siemens de forma muy precisa - Virus informático The Stuxnet focused on Siemens components very precisely

We are on track to open the fourth month of 2011. What do they have prepared for us the virus? Experts agree that there will be an acceleration in the infection of malware on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones, while seeking to exploit vulnerabilities in social networks. And the numbers continue to grow. In the early '90s, recorded viruses did not exceed 1400 copies. Today, we over 200 million variants, and is becoming increasingly difficult to get rid of them. And all with that little Creeper jumping point of origin. If viruses are to have a happy birthday, you have, but if you drown cake will make us all a favor.



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