For this reason, this post is on the Theory of the Mirror, as he calls a friend of mine. It is applicable to those cases in which one sees a being of their affective environment gets angry really with him even though he is convinced that he has done nothing, absolutely nothing to deserve such a hostile and unpleasant part of which until recently was a loved one.
But is that the world and its inhabitants are very complicated, and it appears that some people are incapable of self-criticism and take responsibility for some of the bad things that happen (I mean those bad things caused mainly by attitude of self), and before acknowledging your intent, fault or negligence, attack. We, as always: some are advocating attacking.
Mirror Theory explain the odd behavior of these people knowing in the depths of their being, they have not done well, are quick to get mad pissed well before the anger take root in the injured on duty. These people think something like: "If I get angry with X, then X may not be angry with me because I've asked the first in the queue instead of anger."
Do you know a "mirage" of these? Individuals are easily recognized: they are angry with a world that does not satisfy his every whim, suffer from a clear psychological imbalance that leads them to thinking chaotic (or all black or all white) were strongly believe victims of a global conspiracy generated with aim of making unhappy, have problems with everyone and everything, with friends, family, lovers, bosses and coworkers.
Not only acknowledge the help of kind people who try to make them see reason and help them live peacefully, but turned against them when they do what they want or say what they want to listen, his ability requirement has no limits, they can emotionally strangle who falls into their clutches, and in extreme situations (when they have their claims of outrageous behavior or emotional blackmail too far) comes "The Mirror" acts as understanding beings should act and trying to help loving, and angry.
Come on, bite the hand that tries to get them out of quagmire of pain in which they live.
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