Loneliness is a tomb that often consciously raise above our heads, but of course, moved by the circumstances. Loneliness can go from being a treasure to be a curse to be eagerly sought to be repudiated by unbearable and miserable.
"There are people who have social skills but then are true fanatics, I mean, they know how and when to be sympathetic or silly, and when, more cold, hard, and thus achieve what they propose, but then, in terms human goodness and quality leave much to be desired. These animals social, but not good people, I told Henry, referring to my youthful stalkers, that afternoon when the sky finally declared us a sort of truce. Some sunshine, even dared to break the uniformity of the sky gray Bilbao. And that is why I'd rather be alone than accompanied by the kind of things I do not want to spend my time with animals .
"There are people who have social skills but then are true fanatics, I mean, they know how and when to be sympathetic or silly, and when, more cold, hard, and thus achieve what they propose, but then, in terms human goodness and quality leave much to be desired. These animals social, but not good people, I told Henry, referring to my youthful stalkers, that afternoon when the sky finally declared us a sort of truce. Some sunshine, even dared to break the uniformity of the sky gray Bilbao. And that is why I'd rather be alone than accompanied by the kind of things I do not want to spend my time with animals .
walked by the long, Máximo Aguirre Street, near the house of the grandmother of Laura, get down after the bus had just crossed the bridge of Deusto.
That afternoon, although I had such a hurry as he had been able to collect my things, Henry had fallen behind (perhaps due to the weakness that the disease had left him) and we missed the magic bus route. So we took that other one the next one arrived. The idea of \u200b\u200bget down near the Parque de Doña Casilda, half an hour from home, was the brainchild of Henry, and I accepted. I wanted to walk through this beautiful park with ponds full of ducks and swans, fountains and statues of stone and dark vegetation, a small oasis in the urban jungle.
I did not know if it was because he was tired or because he wanted to prolong our journey, but after a few minutes of wandering about Henry asked me a while to stop at a cafe in the park.
"But you too are an animal, Ana," he said as we sat at the tables outside, some rusty pieces of garden furniture is still damp from recent rains. I was surprised that this had terrace café at the gates of winter, but well protected, yes, solid panels and awnings. Before his indictment, I remained silent.
"Well, no hurry, right? He asked to see the time consulted my watch. It was not clever enough to deduce that he did as a nervous tic, to do something, to keep me entertained foolish to let me forget a shortly after I had sat down to chat with a man of my age after two months of rare relationship.
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