but what a fool I was, by God! How silly, very silly ...
In all, I mean ... Especially in love, love, love, love ...
things I would do alone, and that alone would arise, would be refined and explode ...
And no, not ...
Life is effort, life is suffering, work and reward, and all those things that our parents preached automata (without us they believe, accusing them of being inflated).
How stupid I was to be considered a special, independent, classic, individualistic, worthy (especially worthy), worthy of that everything was done according to my wishes without my having to move even one my smug fingers ...
I wanted the person chosen chose me, so easy, as in fairy tale, with a snap without having to do anything. She would come and tell me: I, I love you. And the sky would open in two, and both molten sulfur in a kiss and glucose, we rise to the happy sky, and reign for ever and ever surfeit of undying love. And an end. And all, without doing anything. Love, love, that is not love. I ... I was stupid, now I realize. The only good a birthday: the facts confirm the worst suspicions. The simplicity absent when ambitious conquer goals.
So ... listen to me, unsuspecting readers of the Arcadia Unhappy! If you love now, confess to their idolized / a right now! Not after tomorrow, or later, or when the time comes, will give the case or the sap of alcohol may make to a steel guts. No, NO! Now self. Declare your love for your loved one right now. Does the rejection? I do not understand the word. I, on this occasion, I'm teaching you to be brave. I do not speak of failure specimens. Although that matter is a good time It is time to insights about this ... Hold on. And today do their homework: they declare their love. Then, may be too late ...
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