As promised (II) As promised know, those who showed me kindness and selfless instant, I was invited to sit with them and came to me with such delicacy that almost everybody excited. If Henry, who moved around as if he were at home, had become friends with them, was indeed a very lucky guy.
On the table were the remains of sandwiches, fruit and refreshments. Apparently they had also eaten. I had done during the break, after passing briefly to greet Silvia, had given a good account of a couple of apples and a salad of canned tuna in the empty classroom, he was forbidden to eat in class, but no one had discovered. And if Henry had eaten anything was a mystery, maybe some synthetic and sticky chocolate palm of those that had been nibbling on occasions between cigarette and cigar, accompanied by his friends in the courtyard.
In the center of the table was a large box lined with a paper bag filled with sheets, papers and booklets that protruded everywhere threatening to burst it.
- Pandora's box, "he said Carlota -, here we put our stuff. What we write in the studio, poetry books with our performances, brochures and photos interesting ... Anyway, it's a catch that will bring order to one day But here we are all a mess!
Gradually, as we listened to report on what Charlotte had covered an interesting kind of theology that he had received that morning, was getting the rest of the workshop. Although at times could be up to twenty-five people, as I explained, the core group was made up of a dozen. And one day, perhaps due to my presence, that figure was exceeded.
Within minutes, the room was filled. The door kept opening and closing and occupying the chairs immediately. So that day, I was lucky to know the essence of the literary workshop, the "base workshop, as they called it. In addition to Charlotte, Emily, Patricia, José Luis and Henry, was Pedro, a student who chose Barcelona Bilbao to complete his degree in Business, Mariela, who was a student of Tourism and whose smile was contagious, Esther and Andrew, both of law , and also were in the theater workshop, Jesus and James, of History and Philology, respectively, and writing in the journal of the university, and Sara, a girl very long hair dyed with henna and enchanted fairy aspect of studying history .
asked me to submit it aloud, but it made me as uncomfortable as I had done in Santa Clara or
Ceará .
I told them my name, where he came from and with what intentions. It seemed extremely interesting that my mother was English, although the workshop had already spent several youth of Erasmus of almost all European nations (and not be forgotten that they had a half-Irish invaluable among the faithful guests).
I spoke of my favorite authors (that worshiped damned poets Rimbaud and others made me automatically garner the sympathy of Emily and Andrew) and my favorite novels.
-Go, Ana, since you're in luck, today we will talk about Truman Capote and one of the novels to be analyzed is the you love Breakfast at Tiffany's!
- It certainly has nothing to do with the movie, "someone said.
- but the film is also fantastic - said another.
- Yeah, of course I do, but tells another story. Is that the character of Holly Golightly was intended for Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn did not, and that explains everything! - He said.
Thus began the workshop meeting. All, one by one, and respecting the right to speak, were giving opinions and facts about Capote and his work. Apparently, nobody there knew the author's work.
But then they began to jump from one topic to another, and not just talk about literature. Could refer to personal issues, complain about the proximity of the tests for example, then go on to talk of magic realism or hilarious dream that they had been tortured last night.
I kept silent, amazed, and Henry did the same. I wondered if it would be so in all sessions, or if it was because I was ahead and gave manifest modesty in public.
What was clear was that each of the people I found there was a delicious and unique universe that was worth investigating. Marveled at the meeting attended by a group of people outside that small class would be considered, possibly as "rare" or "eccentric." And if Charles I had read her mind, said
- Do not worry, Anne will probably think we're loquísimos.
- Yes, thank goodness it did not come at the time that the workshop was about the museum of horrors - convinced Patricia said.
- What do you mean? I asked curiously.
"Then there was a time in which we see each character ... Well, here was really nutty people. "As the theologian
him that told him about the exorcisms of Vatican ...
- And you remember Cleopatra? She was a girl who had the same haircut that Cleopatra, and had frightened face of the clock as well - and several of the workshop began to imitate this as "Cleopatra", opening the eyes of a disproportionate as a silent film actors.
also touched deeper issues, without going any further, religious faith or the need to believe in a God, which led to a friendly discussion in which participants expressed themselves with an enviable wealth of vocabulary and referring to authors and theories of diverse cultures. It seemed incredible that this young group about twenty years was in possession of much knowledge. Luckily, I knew most of these authors and the conversation I was perfectly understandable, there may even be involved, but I preferred to keep listening, at least for now.
Then, after this deep conversation, suddenly, Andrew with his lighter lit two candles that were inside the Pandora's box, and turned off the light.
-over of Halloween. Is that on the eve of All Saints write horror stories and read to candlelight ... From the best I've lived here in ... - Emilia said with an evil smile.
"As you will see it here we have a lot macabre, Ana Although that, Emily takes the cake - said Sara. And Emilia smiled (strangely) flattered.
"And there the odd esoteric stunned, like you, Pharaoh," he said with a grin José Luis.
- Are you talking to me, Greek Disgusting? - Sara asked his friend with mock indignation.
With resignation, Charlotte told me that this peculiar exchange of insults was the source of one of the "false enemies" of the workshop, inspired by the stormy relationship that keep some writers (for example put Gongora and Quevedo), but based on love and the desire to bite the friend in question, not in the rivalry. The Sara versus José Luis was because while the former defended at all costs cultures and civilizations of the East (from the Arab countries until the Empire of the Rising Sun), José Luis was a champion of Greco-Roman culture. But ever faced in a jocular and friendly.