Now ...
my life so peaceful and scheduled runs almost scary.
The shocks are a ridiculous rumor overshadowed by the aggressive pace imposed clockwise, the routine is a dry dock and impeccable knows no unexpected curves.
tell me where I walk and talk when I should. The Lady whip Order has not been prepared in his ideas any punishment for the disobedient, those who contradict it will fall right into the pit of the damned, the marginalized and the lost, and who want to join unions so objectionable? Only the devil poor fools who still believe in the riots and rebellions: the ideals and replicas.
And all this, I wonder, why do people distrust both stages of calm? Why this tangled serenity with a hazy suspicion of impending disaster? Is it the basis of our religion (suffering = virtue frivolous pleasure =)?
After all ... So deep the knife penetrated the divine in me, in theory, atheistic person?
Unanswered Questions in my night planned. A break soon, you have to get up early tomorrow. No wonder even the groundhog climatologist: late spring to arrive ...